Nominations for the 2020 Committee were opened last night & the following people are standing for committee


President Christine Marett, proposed by Zona Michel, seconded by Tina Syvret

Vice President Valery Johnson proposed by Sam Le Couilliard, seconded by Jane Le Claire

Secretary Kelly Moulin proposed by Claire White, seconded by Zona Michel

Treasurer Samantha Kezourec proposed by Stephen Lawson, seconded by Zona Michel


General Committee: Rachel Le Masurier proposed by Claire White, seconded by Christine Marett

                                        Angela Parkin proposed by Anita Gell, seconded by Kelly Moulin

                                        Anita Gell proposed by Claire White, seconded by Joe Betts

                                        Claire White proposed by Christine Marett, seconded by Kelly Moulin

                                        Stephen Lawson proposed by Robyn Boschat, seconded by Kelly Moulin.

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